I am so happy that new author,
Jeaniene Frost has gotten some great buzz, especially in the on-line world. Her debut novel-
Halfway to the Grave blew my mind after fellow blog poster
Christine (who really needs her own blog) recommend this book. I had no clue who this author was or anything about
Halfway to the Grave. But let me tell you, I am so glad I had the chance to pick up with book! Jeaniene can count me in as a new loyal fan.
For all purposes, I had cemented down my top 10 list for best books of 2007. Well, after I finished reading Frost's book, I had to change my list all over again. Halfway to the Grave is a must read and one of the best paranormal/vampire books I have read in a long time. I urge you to run to your nearest library or bookstore and get this book.
The story is about twenty-two year old Catherine, who prefers to go by Cat. See already she is a great character just by her name. *G* Cat can kick some major vampire ass. The reason why she wants to kill all those bloodsuckers is because her biological father, whom she has never met went on a date with her mother, raped her and 9 months later Cat was born. Cat has major daddy issues. She goes out at night and trolls the bars and clubs for vampire men so she can kill them. For some reason she hasn't killed any vampire women yet....hmmmm.....
But her plans go to pot when she meets one vampire male who will change her life forever. Cat meets Bones, and their first interaction is so hilarious. She goes up to the guy asks qute bluntly, and I quote- "Do you want to F---?" (Kristie, is this blog PG-13?)
From that moment on I couldn't take my eyes off the pages. Bones is to die for (no pun intended). He lives in a cave that has cable and internet. Bones is a vampire bounty hunter for hire. He kicks Cat's ass from one wall to the other to train her, to make her stronger. He becomes her mentor, her undead Jedi Knight. But the attraction between these two is something fierce. And let me tell you, Bones knows how to treat a women! Cat has no real experience with men, and with Bones she is off her axis. But these two make a great team. They are so cute and funny together. And if you have ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer and know about Spike, imagine Cat and Bones as Buffy and Spike. I wonder if Jeaniene was a fan of Buffy before writing?
Because this is an on-going series, with the second book, One Foot in the Grave coming out in April 2008, which I am dying to read right now, I need an ARC please! The ending is not what you expect, but oh so good. The last line sent chills down my spine, very sexy ones.
Not many authors can make me stand up and cheer and hope they have a very long career, but with Jeaniene Frost I wish her all the best and hope Cat becomes the new superheroine everyone will be talk about for years to come.
Katiebabs- who wouldn't mind shacking up in a cave with a man like Bones