Saturday, June 30, 2007

I got so many

that as Nath reminded me, I forgot to mention a few.

Here are a more that shoved out the shoes

I really enjoy her books so I'm always on the look-out for her back list. I thought I scored with this one, but I already had it so I passed it on to Ames

And this one I didn't realize until I got home that I already had it *sigh*

I used to read this author a lot and she sort of dropped off my list for no real reason. I know she is one of Ag's favourite authors so I had to pick it up. Right?

And I've really been enjoying this series so when I saw the lastes one, I just had to pick it up! I've already read it and I'll post my thoughts on it soon.

And in other news, it's a long weekend so I invited myself to Lisa's for the weekend. That means........dial-up. So if I don't get a chance to post for a few days - have a good weekend everyone.

'til later

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I just picked up the Alexis Morgan book yesterday. I haven't heard too many people talk about the books, but I've liked 'em too.