And so here are my top 6 must have books if I ended up on some island in the middle of nowhere much like the show “Lost”. But if a Sawyer type man was there with me, there would be no time for any reading! *wink wink*
Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons. This is a must read and my number one favorite book of all time. It is a pretty hefty book and has a great romance, suspense and incredible sex scenes. How can we not mention the blueberry ice cream making scene? Need a good cry? Read this book and you will be changed forever.
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase. This book is always on everyone’s top lists of all time favorite romances. A gutsy heroine who loves the hero, warts and all, for who he is. Where else have you read a romance where heroine shoots the hero because she was sick of his crap? Jess and Dain are one of my all time favorite couples and do not fit the stereotypical romance couples you usually read.
Demon Angel by Meljean Brook. Thousands of years of unbridled lust between an angel and a demon makes for some good reading. This is a book that will keep me on my toes as I re-read over and over and will probably keep missing important key information. I love some great angel and demon sexin.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. How can I not grab a classic piece of literature with me? It came down to this or Jane Eyre, but Wuthering Heights won. It is such an emotional, crazed romance with a hero whose obsession for the one woman he can’t have is unlike any other romance I have ever read. I am such a sucker for the love-obsessed anti-hero.
Once and Future King by T.H. White. I have re-read this book more so than any other. I must give a shot out to my high school English teacher, Mrs. Keane who introduced this book about Arthur and how he met Merlin, found the sword in the stone, became King, got screwed over by Guenevere and founded the Knights of the Round Table. Everyone talks about Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, well; Once and Future King is my Lord of the Rings.
The Stand by Stephen King. How can you not bring a Stephen King novel with you? Stephen King is my god! When I read The Stand, I seriously had goose bumps and thought the world was going to end. At 1200 pages, this book is scary, revealing about human nature and humanity in general. King is the only author I can think of who can come up with almost 50 characters, give them their own personal story and not be confused in the least.
…but I am a sneaky woman… you see, as I was jumping off the sinking boat or was it a plane crash? I made sure to put two extra books down my extra big pajama bottoms… shhh… I don’t share these with my fellow island survivors….
Naked in Death by JD Robb. I need my Roarke and Eve fix. Nuff said.
…but I am a sneaky woman… you see, as I was jumping off the sinking boat or was it a plane crash? I made sure to put two extra books down my extra big pajama bottoms… shhh… I don’t share these with my fellow island survivors….
Naked in Death by JD Robb. I need my Roarke and Eve fix. Nuff said.
The Warlord by Elizabeth Elliott. This book is a masterpiece of romance literature. A harsh man and a gentle woman who changes him for the better.
I welcome you to come up with 6 of your own DIK’s or some others that are not mentioned between my special blogging gals:
I welcome you to come up with 6 of your own DIK’s or some others that are not mentioned between my special blogging gals:
Now pass me my Pina Colda as I settle back on some homemade palm chairs with one of my books and wait for help to arrive. "OH Sawyer... I need some lotion rubbed on my back...."
**EXTRA: We have our first stowaway! Sarai has hidden herself in my pants (yes, that sounds so wrong, go see the title of her post and her book picks. More stowaways are welcome ;D**
Katiebabs (KB)
**EXTRA EXTRA: We have us another one on the island now. Tracy has also posted the list of books she's going to bring with her.
***EXTRA UPDATE: Mary Kate of the Kaitdom blog is now on board also. And so the party in my pants continues to grow. *G*
We need more still!
**EXTRA EXTRA: We have us another one on the island now. Tracy has also posted the list of books she's going to bring with her.
***EXTRA UPDATE: Mary Kate of the Kaitdom blog is now on board also. And so the party in my pants continues to grow. *G*
We need more still!
Totally not seeing the bulge in your pants, Katie(babs). S'rsly.
And I have Stephanie Plum #4.
Smugglers Unite!
Gasp! I can't believe you guys smuggling.
KB, you have some mighty fine picks here! I love your description of Demon Angel, btw. And I'm glad somebody else went with a classic. And Stephen King!!! This is a fabulous and diverse list.
Oh, but sorry, Sawyer is over at MY cabana.
I will trade you one of my books for a few hours with Sayer ;D
Not only am I encouraging Sarai to stowaway on our sinking ship with her list (see the comments), but I'm also stuffing some extra books (see the comments) into my pockets, bra and panties too! :P It's an obsession!
oh I am so glad that LOS didn't get missed. Of course it couldn't be left behind. sooooo good.
Our desert island library iz awesome!
Christine, I was suppose to be the only smuggler...
btw, what are you smuggling in your pants? :D
Well you got both of the ones I am currently reading and totally digging. LOS and Demon Angel!
Hell of a list we are all packed!
You know there's something to be said about smuggling when it's for the right reason *cough* like bringing someone like me along *cough* or just extra books either way I see nothing wrong with it ;0)
Sarai: Major snuggling is always welcome ;)
Katie, Katie, Katie. You can't cheat! What if someone else wants to bring NID or The Warlord - both excellent by the way. And THEY would be willing to share *sniff*
yeah katie. Kristie(j) she's just out of control. I've taken the high road, of course.
::holds book bag against lumpy bra::
::holds book bag against lumpy bra::
*waddles off as pants contiue to bulge in places they shouldn't.*
I love all the DIK blogs! There are some great books in everyone's lists and I've now got some others I need to put in my TBR!
Tracy: Well pick your own, blog about them and then share them with us on the island *g*. Cause there a lot that got left out. And we want as many to read as we can.
Huh. Well I stowed away in Kate's big old backpack. Inappropriate, but hey, what else is new with me?
The more the merrier I say :)
I have a special magical backpack. *G*
I wanna play, too? Can I seak on board in you magic backpack?
Of course Shannon! But you must list your top 6 books you will take with you.
I stole the rum from Lisa. :)
Ok - do I really have to stowaway in Katie's pants? It's getting pretty crowded in there!
Tracy: Lisa may have some left over room in her bra for you ;)
snug as a bug in my jug?
Jug? Just one Lisa? I'll be sure and keep my hands to myself!
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