One of the main reason we went was the see if we could meet authors, Melissa Marr (who wrote the excellent YA book Wicked Lovely) and romance author Sherrilyn Kenyon. So, did we meet them? Did I perhaps bump into a famous actor? *bats eyelashes*
For all this and more stop back later (probably tonight) to find out!
great tease huh? *G*
Katiebabs (KB)
I just realized that Batman is made of plastic. It was the tool belt.
And don't you look so cute?
Yup plastic. He was pretty hard. LMFAO!!
By that time I was wilting a bit. Had to go through 11,000 people that day.
That is a super cute picture, and I can't wait to see more. Batman is looking very Batmanish.
Your hand is in the wrong spot.
It's been quite a weekend of photos f ladies with their hands gripping man parts.
And Meljean! She LIVES!
Just wait till you see the other pictures...
I got really friendly with Batman, Superman and Yoda.
Of course she bumps into the famous actor during the ONLY 5 minutes out of the 11 hours we spent together!! Sheesh!
Kate and I were quite fresh with the superheroes.... well... Kate was fresh. I was taking pictures. ;)
I left out a word there.... Kate bumped into the famous dude during the ONLY 5 minutes we were apart out of 11 hours spent together.
Christine, you were a bit frisky with the Ugly Dolls and you enjoyed taking pictures of The Ghostbuster's asses.
Ok - does Vickie Vale know that you're touching Batman like that? She might have some issues with it!
oh yeaahhh... I kinda forgot about that. But those ugly dolls were so adorable.
And I was taking pictures of the Ghostbuster back packs! I couldn't help it if their asses got in the picture, too! ;(
Besides... it was that evil cheerleader chick who got my attention for real. She was hot.
Oh you are such a tease! Great pics batman ROCKS!
Evil katie(babs), dish out already! *drumming fingers*
Feeling up a superhero, Kate? I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
I wish I'd been there to see Kate commit felonious acts on plastic superheroes. Christine, you can probably dine out for weeks on this.
Oh, you big tease you! Come on dish it already!
It's coming.... will be up before 9pm tonight! Damn real job gets in the way!
While you're all waiting for pics of Kate's superhero groping session... I posted MY version of the day on my blog. I sure hope our stories match up! lol
Oh so much fun to be had! Great pics.
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