The winner is...
You've won both copies of Halfway to the Grave and One Foot in the Grave! Just send me your mailing address to my email at:
Katiebabs @ aol . com
And don't forget, One Foot in the Grave officially comes out tomorrow. Get thee to a bookstore ASAP! :)
PS- If you want to have another chance to win a copy of One Foot in the Grave, stop by Book Binge where they are giving away a copy! :D
Katiebabs (KB)
Katie, thanks again for an awesome interview and a hilarious contest. I loved reading about everyone's inner creature and secret names! :D.
Congrads Drea! My book hasn't come in yet, but I'm so excited!!! Woohoo!
Congrats Drea :)
Congrats, Drea!!!
Thanks Jeaniene! :D
I hope everyone had fun.
I had fun...
... until katie(babs) snubbed me
AL: But if you ever want to write a book, I gave you inspiration to write about a leo-maid named Fleur. ;)
Way to go Drea!
People are luvving that Cat and Bones!
Thanks everyone and especially Jeaniene and Katie! This is so awesome!! The only hard part will now be waiting to receive my copy!! But, right now I have a new puppy that is keeping me occupied, so I probably wouldn't be able to get in much reading for the next couple of days any way!
Thanks again! I am so stoked!
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