Sunday, August 12, 2007

Better day - sort of

I'm doing better today. It's early yet though *g*. I want to 'show' what my sons got me but the sort of part is I have to work today. Yes, I know it's a Sunday and not my scheduled to work Sunday, but the one who is scheduled to work is on vacation so coworker Alison, the one who got me flowers, worked yesterday and I'm doing duty today and it will take longer than I have this morning to upload what I sort of got from the 'boys'.
Mysterious aren't I?
But I'll be back later once I get home and be a very boastful proud mama. So I really mean

'til later


Anonymous said...

Hi Kristie:
Can we guess? A new camera? Hope you had a good time last night and don't work too hard today.

Kristie (J) said...

Nope *g* Not a camera, although a camera was involved.

C2 said...

(((Kristie))) Happy belated birthday! And I'm glad you're feeling better. :o)

Oh, and presents?? I love presents! Even when they aren't for me (of course, I love them more when they're for me). LOL Can't wait to see what the boys got you!