Friday, January 02, 2009


Why is it when you've had a slew of really bad hair days and you can't seem to do anything with your hair - so you make an appointment to get it all chopped off, you have the best hair day you've had in ages and you love the way it looks?


KT Grant said...

I haven't cut my hair in almost a year!! I am so excited because after next weekend, which is my sister's wedding, I am going to get a chop-chop! :D

Stacy~ said...

Ain't that the truth?! I'm going in for a trim tonight, and when I do this, my hair is "traumatized" for about a week and refuses to cooperate. I keep wanting long hair but it's just not a good look for me. I must get over it.

Renee said...

Totally true! I also love how when I'm just throwing my hair up to shlep around the house it comes out in a perfect up-do, but when I'm going out, I can't get it to look half-way decent. :-P

Jace said...

Isn't life's just like that? :-D

Leslie said...

Why is it when you finally decide to get your hair cut short people start making comments like "Oh, you're growing your hair out. I think it'll look good long." lol

Pamela Clare said...

LOL! I find that my best hair days come after I don't wash my hair for a two days. The build-up of hair products -- mostly conditioners -- tends to weigh it down and dull it. So if I leave it and let it rat out (this can only be done if I'm staying at home, of course), the next time I wash it, the curls are perfect and it looks great. I get it trimmed (just the ends) a couple times a year, but don't cut it otherwise. Even so, it never seems to get much longer, which drives me nuts!

Anonymous said...

If you didn't live in Canada I could help you out with that Kristie, lol! After all Hair is my thing ;)