Sunday, October 18, 2009

The 'Can't Settle on a Book' Blues

I'm not in a reading slump. I know the difference. But what I am is unable to figure out what I'm in the mood to read.

One of the great things about loving books in every genre is an almost unlimited list of books to choose from.

One of the not-so-good things about loving books in every genre is an almost unlimited list of books to choose from.

I'm not in the mood for a historical. Nor a western. I'm meh about romantic suspense. Same thing for paranormal. I don't feel like reading a contemporary and not so much a medieval.

So what I have been reading while I figure out what I'm in the mood for or until a book yells at me loud enough is rereads. I have a plethora (what a fun word) of books to choose from for the Reread Challenge.

So I think what I'm going to do is close my eyes, reach into my box of books and just grab one and whichever one I grab, that's the winner.

Anyone else ever have this problem? You're in the mood for reading but you just can't figure out what???


So - in the interest of satisfying curiosity, this is the one I pulled out of the pile.

Sapphire Dream by Pamela Montgomerie

And intriguingly enough, it's none of the genres listed above! It's a time travel. And the author is also known as Pamela Palmer, who is writing another series, the Feral Warriors.

And in the vein of disclosure - this one I picked up in Washington DC this summer.


Hilcia said...

Oh Kristie that happens to me quite often. So many genres to choose from... sometimes I feel like a kid in a candy store and can't seem to choose.

I also go for the trusty re-reads or 'comfort reads' when that happens. It usually works for me... if not, I.. hmm.... buy a totally new book that catches my eye, lol! That will DEFINITELY do it. ;P

Anonymous said...

Oh, that happens to me all the time. I love historicals but sometimes, I just don't feel like reading one and can't decide what the heck to read. That's usually when I turn to paranormals.

Leslie said...

I've had that problem too. Pick up a book, put it down. Pick up another book, put it down etc. LOL

Lately my problem is that I have so many that I want to read I can't decide what to read first. :) It could be worse, no books to read! *gasp*

Karen W. said...

I'm very much a "mood reader." The kind of book I'm interested in depends on my mood, and if I pick the wrong thing, I'll never enjoy it when I'm not in the right mood.

I think we both have the same problem with an "embarrassment of riches" to choose from, which isn't really a bad problem to have! :)

Let us know about SAPPHIRE DREAM. I've was eyeing it this summer but never wound up picking it up.

Kristie (J) said...

Karen W: so far so good on Sapphire Dream. It's not the best book I've ever read but it's interesting. I'll post my thoughts when I'm done :)

Leslie: *laughing* I'd rather have too many then too few - but yep, I've been picking up, reading some, not in the mood and putting it down again. It's the mood - not the book.

Barbara: I'd get so much more reading ACCOMPLISHED if I could settle on a mood to settle on a book.

Hilcia: There is a difference isn't there? I'm in the mood to read - but I just can't figure out what?!?! A slump is different - then I'm just not in the mood to read anything!

Taja said...

I know this feeling, too. It's nearly as bad as a reading slump, IMO. I hope Sapphire Dream broke the spell for you! :)

Tracy said...

I had this happen to me last week. I ended up reading a couple of novella's to try and get out of it. I figured they were short and if I didn't like them I could just stop and not feel too guilty. lol

orannia said...

I've had this happen before, and it's so frustrating. So many books to read and it's so hard to settle on one!

I ususally go complete out of the genre in question. For exmaple, if romance is the problem then I read fantasy or crime. Usually works a treat ;) I just finished my a fantasty novel (one of my all-time favourites) and am about to start The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. I figure it's a good book to get back into the romance genre *grin*

Kate Diamond said...

This happens to me quite often as well, usually when I'm feeling guilt and should be writing or grading (definitely not reading)... I wish you luck in your book dilemma!

CindyS said...

That's what I'm dealing with right now. I know I'm not in a slump but I can't figure out what it is I want to read. Very well put Kristie!

Julia said...

I'm always a mood reader, so what ever mood take me to the book would be the one I will read. Otherwise if am picking book(s) am not in the mood for, than there be problem ;)

But yes, that happen to me lot of times. There so many different genres to pick from that I don't know which one I'm in the mood to read. So I usually do a re-read to help solve that problem *LOL* ;)

I be interested to hear your review/thought on Sapphire Dream. I never knew that Pamela Palmer write under another name..hmmm :)

Alyssa said...

I relate to this so much. I can't tell you how many times I've picked up a book, started to read it, and been disappointed, but knowing that it's me and not the book. I keep hoping I figure out what I'm in the mood for.