Originally the signing was supposed to start at 7pm, but was moved to 6pm, so Christine and I missed Sherrilyn's talk. :( There were over 200 people waiting for their Acheron and other Kenyon books to be signed, along with some cool raffles for giveaways. Sherrilyn would not leave till every one's book was signed, even as the store was closing! Christine and I headed out a little after 10pm and Sherrilyn was still signing book, going on 5 hours! I am in awe of Sherrilyn's dedication to her fans and the love she has for her readers is amazing.
There were also some other people there you may recognize. The Rebels of Romance and Dorchester authors, Liz Maverick (her new book, Irreversible comes out in October) and Marianne Mancusi (her new book, Razor Girl comes out in September) were there to lend their support. Also, Sara Lindsey, who will have her first historical romance for Signet Eclipse published next fall was there along with 2007 bookseller of the year, Stacey Agdern.
Christine and Sherrilyn ( Aren't they cute together?)
Me and Christine modeling the actual leather coat worn by Acheron! Don't we look sexy?
This is Dianna Love who was Sherrilyn's MC for the night and co-wrote an awesome book with Sherrilyn called Phantom in the Night, that came out a few months ago. Dianna has an anthology coming out in December called Dead After Dark that includes, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Susan Squires and JR Ward! Dianna kept the crowd going and had incredible energy. By the time this picture was taken my energy levels were low. For some reason I think I look like a giraffe here.
In other news I am cat sitting my sister's two cats while she is away in Florida visiting Mickey. (HELP!) Sixx is about a year old and Nico is only a month old. They are driving my insane and I still have them for a week. Nico, the baby and is so very needy. He won't let me eat, sleep or read! But at least they have great taste in books, especially Sixx ;D. Any advice on how to handle two overstimulated and lovable cats?
Katiebabs (KB)
Looks like y'all had FUN! Cool jacket.
I have two cats that are absolute maniacs. To calm them down I feed them til their bellies are too full to run. That gives me about 15 minutes of quiet time. lol
Uh Kate????? Cats NEVER let you read. Zina the Princess nota Warrior Cat can be happily sitting anywhere in the house but as soon as I sit down and pick up a book, that's when she insists that I, her servant, pet her and give her my UNDIVIDED attention. I have no advice really because in their minds cats are the Masters and we are their people. Gotta admire that about an animal though.
And Sherrilyn is awesome with her fans isn't she? I don't read her books anymore, but I truly admire the depths of appreciation she does have for them.
Kristie: My arms are all scratched up also :( and Nico is meowing like crazy. I feel like a new mom with a new born baby!
Thanks for hanging out with me, Kate.
You didn't mention anything about the publicist from Penguin who we bumped into on 8th Ave. afterward? The one who overheard us talking about RWA? Then when we she introduced herself to us (I'm sorry I forgot her name-she was very sweet), I said, "Oh, you probably know her already, she's Katiebabs." And she said, "You're Katiebabs? You're Kate?" I told you you were more well known than some romance authors. You just didn't believe me, did you? Well, let the record show that I told you so! ;o)
How fun! Bet you had a great time. Glad you guys didn't get swept away in a tornado. One day I WILL meet her!
Do you have cat toys? I recommend playing with them until they just can't take it anymore - they'll go nap or hide. LOL
The sticks with a string of feathers or ribbons tied to the end are excellent and require less effort on your part. You can lounge on the sofa and whip the ribbons or whatever back and forth for them to chase. ;-)
Christine: What can I say? I have become a household name! :P
FUN FUN FUN!!! I wish I could have gone. Hawt jacket. Was there an Acheron there wearing it? Thanks for the pictures!
Just pet them or get a lazor and that will have them running around in circles once you are done they will still look for the light.
YAY for SK oh man I'm so jealous no one cool comes to Kansas. Seriously and a tornado warning huh? that's werid we haven't had any in a long time.
Sounds like soooo much fun. I'm so glad you guys got to go. Great pictures!!
Yikes. I have two cats like that. You can't let them sleep with you. Also, there is this toy, "The Cat Dancer" that can really tire them out. It's amazing. It's just a bit of wire and cardboard. We stick it in a door.
PS: Your Nancy is up!!
"Dogs have owners, cats have staff"
Advice? Other than keeping the litter boxes clean and their claws trimmed (so you don't find one of the cats hanging from a curtain...) I got nuffin'
Well, I do have something: good thoughts and better wishes!
Good fun. I've never read a Kenyon book, but I doubt that I'd pass up an opportunity to meet an author like her in person.
I was going to go to this, but it was my birthday, and the family wouldn't appreciate me blowing off plans for an author signing.
There are few romance signing in NY, no?
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