Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Just a real quickie
Happy Blogiversary!!! I somehow missed mine (Feb 16). I remember how delighted I was to find you and Ro and Maili (where is she by the way? We miss her) and Keishon. Now there are so many more that have joined the wonderful party that is the romance reader blogosphere. And your one of the original founders :)
Oh drats!!! It looks like any blog that has word verification won't show the d%#*m verification word.
So in reply to Renee's post on pre-ordering:
That's why I love pre-ordering from Chapters. If a book isn't released yet, they will still ship the ones that are out and you get the free shipment. Plus, there are a number of books that just don't show up on the shelves here that I can get on-line. And some of them are cheaper than in stores. Innocent in Death was a lot cheaper ordering on line than buying in the store. I don't know why that is. Plus - it's kind of neat to look forward to that box in the front door when I get home.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Missing of late and my AAR ballot
Another reason is I'm taking an ADVANCED creative writing course. This means ADVANCED writing for it. In the last class we only had to do one rather short story and this time we have four of them. I just about have the second one done and the third one is supposed to be a children's book. What do I know about children???? Mine are all grown now and have been for years. And since there aren't any grandchildren even on the horizon - well - that's a loop I've long been out of!
And going along with the writing itself, there is the class. That takes up a whole night. And I also have the bereavement group I've started going to. And after I get home we have Lost.
And with learning the new job - boy is it complicated - that means no late night hours for blogging.
So with all those things going 0n, *sob* blogging seems to be the one that's suffered lately.
So I'm doing a bit of a double one today.
The results for the annual AAR reader poll came out on Monday. I always feel a bit torn about the results. I'm a bit of a maverick in a lot of my reading. I like to read and I like the lesser known books. Lisa calls me an odd duck and that applies to reading too. So often when a book gets a lot of buzz, I may not read it. Or I might. One of the ones I haven't read is Lover Awakened. Her more crazy fans make me nervous and I don't really like Vampire books. I did read the first one and while I liked it enough, it didn't want to make me go out and read the rest. I have the next two, but there isn't a real desire to read it. Also, I'm kind of tired of European historicals so they didn't factor in that much in my votes either. So my picks except for a few, are quite a bit different than the winning ones. So just like Rosario (I found it!) did, here are my picks compare to the winning ones
Best Romance
My pick: Bone Deep by Bonnie Dee
Winner: Lover Awakened by JR Ward
Favourite Funny
My pick: Drop Dead Gorgeous by Linda Howard
Winner: Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase
Most Hanky Read
My pick: Bone Deep by Bonnie Dee
Winner: Lover Awakened by JR Ward
Most Luscious Love Story
My pick: The Panther and the Pyramid by Bonnie Vanak
Winner: The Raven Prince
(I almost went with TRP - it was this close)
Best Erotic Romance
My pick: All U Can Eat by Emma Holly
Winner: All U Can Eat by Emma Holly
(A match!)
Best Cabin/Road Romance
My pick: A Reason to Live by Maureen McKade
Winner: Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase
Best New Author
My pick: Elizabeth Hoyt
Winner: Elizabeth Hoyt
(Another match!)
Best Buried Treasure
My pick: The Panther and the Pyramid by Bonnie Vanak
Winner: Jacob by Jacqulyn Frank
Guiltiest Pleasure
My pick: All U Can Eat by Emma Holly
Winner: All U Can Eat by Emma Holly
(and yet again! A match)
Author Most Glommed
My pick: Rhonda Thompson
Winner: JR Ward
Best Medieval
My pick: Alas - I did not have one. *sigh*
Winner: The Silver Rose by Susan Carroll
Best European Historical
My pick: The Raven Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt (it was a coin toss between this one and The Panther and the Pyramid)
Winner: Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
Best American Frontier
My pick: A Reason to Live by Maureen McKade (this was the hardest pick I had because I also adored Surrender by Pamela Clare, Hope's Captive by Kate Lyon and A Gate to Eden by Cathy McDavid)
Winner: A Reason to Live by Maureen McKade
(I didn't realize I matched that many until I started doing this!)
Best Contemporary
My pick: Delicious by Susan Mallery
Winner: Drop Dead Gorgeous by Linda Howard
Best Series
My pick: Another one I didn't fill in. But I've already bought a number this year so I think that will change next time
Winner: Family at Stake by Molly O'Keefe
Best Romantic Suspense
My pick: Hard Evidence by Pamela Clare
Winner: Cold as Ice by Anne Stuart
(I know Wendy is rolling her eyes at this pick of mine)*g*
Best (Alternate Reality) Paranormal
My pick: The Untamed One by Rhonda Thompson
Winner: Lover Awakened by JR Ward
Best Chick Lit/Women's Fiction
My pick: left blank
Winner: Hot Dish by Connie Brockway
Short Story
My pick: left blank
Winner: Hot Toy byJennifer Crusie Santa Baby
Most Tortured Hero
My pick: Tom - Bone Deep by Bonnie Dee
Winner: Zhadist - Lover Awakened by JR Ward
Strongest Heroine
My pick: Laurel Covey - A Reason to Live by Maureen McKade
Winner: Bella - Lover Awakened by JR Ward
Best Hero
My pick: Graham Tristam - The Panther and the Pyramid by Bonnie Vanak
Winner: Sebastian St. Vincent - Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
(sorry Sybil :-( )
Best Heroine
My pick: Sascha Duncan - Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh
Winner: Evie Jenner - Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
Best Couple
My pick: Blair & Wyatt - Drop Dead Gorgeous by Linda Howard
Winner: Bathsheba & Benedict - Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase
Best Villian
My pick: NOT the hero - Panther and the Pyramid by Bonnie Vanak
Winner: Not Mentioned - Lover Awakened by JR Ward
Most Annoying Lead
My pick: Leah Klein - Extreme Exposure by Julia London
Loser: Blair Mallory - Drop Dead Gorgeous by Linda Howard
("But I LOVE Blair!" she whined)
Author you gave up on
My pick: Celeste Bradley
Loser: Christina Dodd
(now if she would only write a medival again *sigh*)
Most Disappointing Read
My pick: The Marcelli Bride by Susan Mallery
Loser: On the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn
Worst Read
My pick: I don't think I voted in this one - if I did I didn't record it
Loser: On the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn
Purplest Prose
My pick: left blank
Loser: Prince of Ice by Emma Holly
And now that your eyes are tired, so are my fingers *g*
'til later
Monday, February 26, 2007
And today
'til later
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Last Night's Lost
Not happy - no I'm not!
'til later
Whoo Hoo - Let's hear it for pre-ordering!!

Innocent in Death by JD Robb
Yes!! Fist pump.
When I got home from work today this one was waiting for me. Just in case anyone hasn't picked up on it yet, JD Robb and the In Death series break all the rules in my '4 books in a series and that's it' rule. I can't see me ever getting tired of these ones. And they also break another rule; no more hardcovers. I was buying a few authors in hardcover when I joined the Doubleday Book Club. But then I cancelled my membership and haven't been buying hardcover since - EXCEPT - JD Robb. You see, there is such a long waiting list for these at the library - one time I was something like 93 on the list, and I couldn't bear to wait that long I just decided these ones would be my one indulgence. And if I buy them on-line at Chapters it's 34% off. Then add an additional 9% with my Avid Reader card and a book that starts out at $32.50 becomes $20.38. It's still expensive - but for the number of times I read these ones - worth it! And the pre-buzz on this one has been very good! Trouble in the Eve and Roarke marriage. Total yummers because we know they will work it out, but that means character stuff which is my favourite part of this series.
So - the question now becomes - do I start it right away, knowing that Lost is on later, I have two writing assignments I have to do and I'm still learning the new job so I can't afford to stay up reading until 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning - need the brain sharp as it's gonna get. Or do I hold off until the weekend, when I have time to read luxuriously, and in the meantime just sit holding this one? Decisions, decisions.
So - what do you do when you get a book you've been waiting what seems like forever for? Do you hold it and snuggle for a while and let the anticipation build? Or do you open immediately and start reading right away, knowing you have waited long enough as it is?
Me - with a much anticipated book, I have a tendancy to just *sit on it* for a while - to savour what I am sure will be a wonderful reading experience.
And another totally unrelated question - what the heck is happening with Blogger and my blog? I seem to have lost the side panels and pictures aren't coming in. Is it something I did? Do I need to republish or is Blogger just being annoying again? I was kind of liking the new blogger that I was FORCED to get - but now I'm not so sure.
'til later
A thanks to Jennie and her Twin Julieree. I won!!! I won!!!!
I think I won a couple of Mary Stewart books - ones that I read back in my teens and loved at the time but they are long, long gone, a Carla Kelly whom I've never read but reader rave about and ta da - Jane Austen whom I've also never read. Yes - you read that right. I've never read Jane Austen before.
So thanks again!!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Recent Did Not Read(s)
Glory Days by Irene Peterson
I really do hate to say anything bad – especially about a new author, but first off at least as far as I’ve read and it’s almost half the book, I wouldn’t classify this one as a romance book. The hero/heroine have had very little interaction with each other so far. They’ve met and they are attracted to each other but he isn’t ready to make any kind of commitment and she is very leery of making one. They both have mysteries only hinted at and I would have hoped they would become more clear by this part of the book. And I cheated – I always cheat! I read the ending long before I got there – well in fact technically I didn’t even get to the end – but *start of spoiler – they didn’t even get together! They both agreed the potential was there – that they loved each other – but they weren’t in a position to commit to each other . That’s just not enough for me. Marriage isn’t necessarily the end all and be all – but I at least expect commitment. end of spoiler*
Also it seems very disjointed from scene to scene. As I’ve learned in my creative writing class, the transitions aren’t very well done. The hero John is a private detective who lives in an upstairs apartment. Liz is staying with her aunt, the owner of the building which also holds a small lunch counter. In the meantime, John has been approached by a young girl, 16 year old Carly, to find her father whom she’s never known. And he just happens to be one of the candidates.
While this one is a DNF it’s still not a bad book and with a little polish, a romance that starts earlier (if indeed that is what the author wants to write) I can see where she has good potential.
A Kiss in Winter by Susan Crandall
Now this is one that doesn’t really happen all that often surprisingly. But I was taken in by a pretty cover. Now this probably isn’t fair but I cheated and read the ending. And I didn’t really care for it so with the TBR pile so high, I’m just moving on with this one. But! It could very well be a great book. It did get a good review at Romance Readers at Heart. And I may try it at another time, but it’s just a DNF for me for now.
I think this one is a combination of reasons as to why I didn't finish it. I was really enjoying this one, happily reading a medieval when the heroine chooses to believe something her lying evil villain of a step brother said over the hero with whom she is falling in love. The Big M stalled me. I haven’t written this one off yet though I know it’s still sitting here staring at me and sending a telepathic message to finish the book. I can feel the vibes in my sleep!
Vanquished by Hope Tarr
Now this one is completely at INYIM book. And I have no idea why I haven’t finished it yet. I was ¾ of the way through and really enjoying it. Them I put it down for some reason and haven’t really picked it up since. I think it was a victim of my “have to read it to vote” push. Now that’s over, maybe I can relax and just enjoy the final ¼ of it.
Touched by Darkness by Catherine Spangler
Now this is definitely a INYIM (it’s not you, it’s me) books. I still love the cover – even though he seems to be on the cover of an awful lot of books these days. I read about two chapters and realized I just wasn’t in the mood for a paranormal. I know I’ll pick this one up again in the next few weeks because there wasn’t anything wrong with it at all.
So there you have it. The books I've started but haven't finished yet.
'til later
'Tis My Turn
They must be in a different time zone though 'cause it's still not up yet - but I am.
'til later
Friday, February 16, 2007
Writing class - part 2
- It looks like it could be the inside of a prison interview room
- It looks like the room designer was a first year college student
- It looks like they stayed under budget on the furniture (the class liked that one)
- It looks like the floor is covered with millions of dead bugs when I let my eyes glaze over
- It sounds like a hospital room in the wee small hours of the night
- It sounds like a room of students taking their third bar exam
- It sounds like the sterile environment of a labratory under quarantine
- It sounds like the nervous laughter of people who don't know the answers to the question
- It tastes like that dry feeling you get in your mouth when the nerves act up.
- It tastes like coffee that has sat on the counter for two days and you don't realize it and take a drink
- It tastes like the overwhelming fear of failure
- It tastes like you've spent the day at the beach - and brought much of the sand home in your teeth
- It tastes like those envelopes that use cheap glue. You know the kind that killed Susan (and just about everyone knew I was referring to LOL)
- It smells like fear, the kind that is given off when you know you'll be called on to answer questions and you don't know the answers
- It smells like soap, that cheap kind that is used in public washrooms that dry up your hands
- It smells like too many bodies, each giving off a different scent, different and undistinguishable
- It smells like the disenfectant used by the late night cleaning crew
- It feels like a group who is weary, who have been up early and gone to bed late
- It feels like it's the end of the day and the brain has given up the ghost and gone on home alone
- It feels like a ball of energy has deflated, leaving everything sagging and spent.
- It feels like a room where the bright lights are the only thing keeping everyone awake
Like I said - it was a good class last night. And the thing is everyone in the class are all good writers. Some of the others descriptions were just as if not better than mine.
'til later
Thursday, February 15, 2007
A very fun night
Tonight she had 3 different pictures up on the board each one with a group of people and we had to pick one character in each picture and give them a name and write a description of them. Then we have to read them out loud and the class has to try and guess which person in the picture we are describing. My first one wasn't bad, but the other two - well I'll let you decide.
The second one I did had a picture of five guys all holding champagne glasses towards the camera. One of them looked kind of pasty, shiny white so this is the one I did of him. Keep in mind I had to do this 3 times in about 20 minutes so it's kind of rough.
His name was Felix, Felix Goodiver and he fooled a lot of people for a lot of years. He was chameleon like in his ability to fit in a group. Very few people noticed that the colour of his skin was just a little bit off, a little bit on the gray shade. And he often kept his hands in his pockets so the overly large size of his hands wouldn't be noticed. He didn't smile as broadly as others either. His best effort was more like a sickly smile, as if he had eaten a lemon too many.
So because he fit in so well with his compatriots, his fellow workers during the day, little did anyone know in the dark, late night hours, when most people were asleep, not only did he remove his clothes, he also removed his outer layer of skin that was the true genius of his disguise. Because Felix Goodiver was in fact KeyKnoo Teegooter, an alien from the planet Baltex.
The class loved this and a couple of people guessed who I was describing. The woman next to me didn't want to read hers after me.
And then we came to the final picture. It was off a group of four girls about 7 or 8 wearing shorts and all holding interlocking skipping ropes. Now I didn't have my glasses on and I had to squint at the picture. Unfortunately I didn't realize until after we had finished writing and were part way through listening to others read theirs that the one little girl was a girl. She had very short hair. So when I first started reading mine, the rest of the class really started laughing.
Poor little Bobby Billingsley. He was a bright child. From the age of four, when he first started kindergarten, his teachers were amazed at the apptitude he showed. He always had a smile on his face, from the moment he entered the classroom. He would look up at his teachers in delight. His blue eyes would glow with life. His carrott and flame coloured hair just seemed the perfect blend of colours. He had a mass of freckles on his nose and cheeks. He had the most infectious laugh and when he giggled everyone around him would laugh or smile. His teachers often had to turn around to hide their smiles. But when little Bobby Billingsley was done school for the day he hid a terrible secret. You see, Bobby was a skipper. He didn't want to be one. He was afraid his friends would find out and mock his skipping uniform with the little short shorts and ankle socks; that they would laugh at him for being the only boy in a group of girls. But you have to know his parents were 'skipper' champions from a bygone era and they gave him no choice. He only hoped no one would ever find out.
When I finished reading that one, and I did have trouble getting it out what with laughing myself, the whole class was in stitches and began applauding. Of couse they all 'got' who I was describing right away. And the woman sitting next to me really didn't want to read hers after that. And after class the teacher thanked me for the laugh.
It was a fun class tonight *g*.
'til later
Last Night's Lost
So beware. If you don't like spoilers, avoid this post.
OK - Desmond is giving my Sawyer a run for the money in the "I love this character" department. And wasn't that a different kind of episode? I think it's the first time almost the whole show is a flashback.
And what a good episode it was last night!! Desmond sure does clean up nice doesn't he? I felt so bad for him last night. If I was a crier, I would have been sobbing last night.
It was a strange one. It seemed like he was aware of a continuous loop in time or something. I don't know if he time travelled or remembered living the same life over and over or he could fortell the future. It could have been anyone of those.
I felt so bad for him!! He loved (and darn - can't remember her name) so much but wasn't able to be with her because he had a greater destiny.
And what about that conversation he had with Charlie at the end?!?!?!?! It looks like that famous line I read at Laurie's - "Oh no, not the hobbit!" - the line that got me watching this show in the first place, might come true. I love Charlie! Not like I love Sawyer and now not like Desmond, but I love Charlies character. And isn't it fascinating how all their lives seem to interact?
And we sure don't want to miss next weeks episode!! Since I watched it on the American channel, they showed good previews and it looks like we'll finally get some questions answered finally!! Like one that's being on my mind - what is the thing with Jack's tatoos. And yes - I like him too. Just not quite like Sawyer and Charlie.
'til later
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
He always got home before me - he worked 7 to 3 and I worked 8:30 to 4:30 so every Valentines Day there would be a bouquet of roses sitting on the dining room table for me. I didn't always get him something (cause I often forgot), but occasionally I would get him a sappy little stuffed Valentines animal or something and stick in his lunch box when he wasn't looking and chuckle at the thought of him pulling it out in front of a room full of guys.
So I thought today would be very strange when I walked in the door after work. But I've joined a grief support group and we meet every Wednesday at 5:00. I can't say much about it because as with many of those kinds of groups, what is discussed amongst us stays amongst us. But I think I can say that everyone in the group has lost a loved one to cancer and that most of us are women who have lost their husbands. Tonight we were to talk about the death of who we lost. It was very sad but very cathartic since I don't talk much about Ron's death with people. Most people at work don't even know.
So emotionally drained, but feeling peaceful, on the way home I remembered that once I got home I would have to shovel the driveway. We didn't get much snow, but enough that it had to be done.
But when I pulled in the driveway, someone had ploughed out the driveway already. I thought that was so nice of whoever it was.
Today didn't turn out to be as bad as it could have.
'til later
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

When Mailyn first came up with the idea of blogger awards I thought it was a neat idea and entered my picks for all the different categories. Imagine my shock and delight when I saw my name in the running for Blogger of the Year!!! Holy Cow!
Then when I went to 'visit' her and saw the results and that I had tied with Ames, well let's just say that was even more exciting than when I won all that money playing poker!!
Thank you to Mailyn for the idea and thank you to everyone who voted for me - and heck - even if you didn't *g*. I'm humbled. Truly - I am! Humbled and Thrilled.
And congratulations to Ames and to everyone else who won too!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Reviews & Odd's n End's

Back Cover Blurb
They've never met, but Katrine Summervile and Trey Westmoreland are sworn enemies. Katrine is a romance writer, who after being abandoned at the age of five, and widowed and pregnant at eighteen, doesn't believe in happily-ever-after.
Trey is a hard-nosed newspaper literary review columnist who carries the bitter taste of a failed marriage around with him along with a resentment toward romance novels, which he believes give women a warped expectation of love.
A case of mistaken identity, a night of ill-fated attraction, and their steamy moment captured on film catapults them into four weeks of nationally publicized Hell.
I was curious about this one when I saw the excellent review that Renee gave it a little while ago. I was ordering some books and added this one to top off the free shipping limit. And wowzers - what an excellent thing that turned out to be. I loved this book. I didn't realize until I actually got the book that it's the same Ronda Thompson who has written the Wild Wulfs of London series I've been really enjoying.
This one is totally different but just as enjoyable. Trey, the hero gets conned into a series of dates with Katrine. He is supposed to write about the dates from his angle and Katrine is supposed to write about how romantic they are. And boy does he make it difficult. These 'dates' are hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud a number of times over the dates he deliberatly sabatoges. Let's see, there was the midget woman mud wrestler, the 'romantic' dinner where he 'talks' and 'eats' like one of Katrine's *heroes* from the medieval days. There is the date where he brings along his ex-wife. Along the way and while fighting it for all he's worth, he's falling for Katrine. This book is wickedly funny. I found myself sitting outside at work last week - when it was so cold out - just so I could get in some good quality reading time by myself where I could laugh out loud without anyone bugging me.
Although Ronda Thompson seems to be writing paranormal werewolf stories at the moment - and not that there is anything wrong with that - I'm liking those too, but I hope someday she goes back and writes another contemporary like this one. I would line up for that one!! Thanks Renee!
Grade 4 1/2 out of 5

Back cover blurb:
Cursed with the etraordinary power to feel other people's emotions, Megan Fields has tucked away in a remote corner of New Mexico, working as a small-town deputy. She finds solace in the silence and heat of the desert. But when Breeds begin dying on her watch, Megan realizes that the secrets from her past can't stay buried forever. Somone is out for blood - her blood.
An arrogant Feline Breed, Braden Arness broods with feral intensity. His mission to solve the mysterious murders brings him to Megan, a woman who accosts his senses like no other. Only with him can she let down her guard - and surrender to the insatiable hunger that wracks her body. But as they team up to hunt the elusive killers, Braden and Megan find themselves becoming the prey....
I'm afraid this one didn't fair as well as the Isn't it Romantic. This is my first Lora Leigh book and I have to say I had a few problems with it. At the beginning of the blurb it says the first book in her erotic new series. Well, considering this is the first book for a different publisher, she sure didn't give much of an explanation really as to who the Breeds were. Oh - I got that they were a genetically engineered race that were created to be killers, but other than that, not much information was given. Who were they trained to kill? What time period is this supposed to be in, the present or the future? - OK - I just checked and it's supposed to be set in the year 2023. But other than that which I just noticed, there really isn't much of a description given. I think it probably would have made a lot more sense if I had read some of her previous Breed books that were published by Ellora's Cave. But even had I done that, I still would have had a few issues with this one. This is one of those where the heroine is constantly thinking "I lust after you, I want you, I'm so hot for you but I hate you and it's never going to happen" books. And the hero, instead of just talking to the heroine is one of those "I lust after you, I want you, I'm so hot for you and yes it is going to happen baby" books. Then, out of the blue, the heroine capitulates and she and the hero are totally and completely in love. I find this kind of heroine annoying and while I love a good alpha hero, this particular kind just gets on my nerves.
I also had trouble following the book and why they were doing the things they were doing. I found myself shaking my head and going "huh?" a few times.
On the plus side, it is nice and hot and once we get past the animosity coming mostly from Megan, the book starts to get better. And the writing although a bit confusing in places is pretty good. I have the next one in the series, Harmony's Way, and I enjoyed this one enough to give the next one a read
Grade: 3 out of 5
And in other news. I finally switched to the new google version of Blogger. I didn't plan to do that but when I tried signing on at Lisa's, it somehow seemed to make me do it. Time will tell as to what I think of the new version. I did manage to get two pictures in and not right next to each other, so that's a good thing. I like that idea!! I'll have to take some time and explore around and see what other nifty things there are about it.
And in still more news, Robin has her column up at Access Romance.
And last but not least - I was going to do a whole post titled
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow (isn't that catchy?)
about my new hair cut - but I'm still in a bit of a state of shock. I've had my hair short for quite a few years now, but I decided a few months ago to try and grow it long. It used to be and it looked pretty good. But I gave up the effort when I had two straight weeks of really Bad Hair Days. So I made a last minute decision on Friday to get it all chopped off. And I loved it. Then on Saturday, I washed that gray right out of my hair with Preference by L'Oreal # 249 (or something like that). Whatever - it's dark auburn red. Then I decided to be a real hipster granny without the grandkids and get it streaked after work tonight. The streaks are a bright copper colour and they look incredible!!! I LOVE them. And it's a good thing I do! Because they weren't cheap let me tell you! I didn't think to ask beforehand and was kind of thinking around $60. Well - it was quite a bit more than that! I just about died when she told me how much it would be. Now if only I could freeze my hair at this length and this colour.
'til later
Saturday, February 10, 2007
10 Wierd Things About Me
First off - I'm out in the country visiting Lisa. She's gone out to visit her horse. Although she invited me along - well let's just say I'm not really a horse person. But I'm here on dial-up and good heavens is it painful!! I managed 4 games of Free Cell just waiting for this to upload!! Tara - how do you do it???
Anyway - on to ten things
1. I can't get out of a car very well. Grace has never and will never be my middle name. I embarass myself even when there is no one around me when I try and get out. I just can't figure out how to turn my legs and exit gracefully. And you should see me in a van or truck. Very painful to watch. It usually takes me about 5 minutes to get out of the car - slightly less in summer
2. While a pretty good driver while going frontwards, my backing up skills are very lacking. I do it v e r y s l o w! When it's cold out, I back into the drive way and it usually takes me 3 or 4 tries. I've backed into things. I backed into the fence in the backyard about 3 weeks after I got a new car. I've backed into several cars. I've learned to be cautious.
3. I walk the opposite of a duck. My feet turn inwards when I walk and my shoes just look odd after a while. And I get these nasty looking callouses on the inside of my big toes and along the side of my feet.
4. I hate changing lightbulbs. I have 3 to change in the bathroom - there is a bank of lights with 6 big light fixtures. I figure I'll wait until I'm down to one still working and then get one of the boys to change them for me. Although first I'll have to unscrew one and take it to the light store (Canadian Tire) and get a bunch like it since they are specialty sized bulbs.
5. This next one is a Canadian thing. I just don't "get" the appeal of Tim Hortons. I'm not really a Timmy's fan. I like coffee, but Timmy's coffee just isn't anything special. On my way to work I always stopp a different franchise because I like their coffee better - and no, it isn't Starbuck's either.
6. I like sneezing. Whenever I get a cold, I always hope sneezing comes with it. In fact, when I was younger I tried to make myself sneeze by sniffing some laundry detergent. Warning to the young ones. Do Not Do This. It does not cause sneezing, it only burns the inside of your nose.
7. I hate blowing up balloons. While I was at the previous job, they were filling a girls work station with balloons because it was her birthday the next day. Unfortunately for me, they wanted them blown up. I helped, but my heart was racing the entire time.
8. I'm scared of crickets. I think snakes are cool. I don't like spiders at all at all, but I can kill them if they are in the house (and risk rain) but put a cricket in front of me and I turn tail and run the other way.
9. OK - this one is embarrasing. I pick my feet. It starts with those nasty callouses on my big toes. I start picking the skin off and then get carried away. By the time I'm done, the whole bottom of my big toe is sore. I have managed to break this habit for the most part though.
10. I don't like tomato based foods. This runs the gamut from spagetti to chili to pizza (except hawaiian) to natchos. If it has tomato in it, I probably won't like it. Yet - Campbells Tomato Soup is one of my comfort foods.
Well - that's it for me. I'll tag anyone who hasn't done this already. And I'll keep my fingers crossed that it will actually post on dial-up.
'til later
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Last Night's Lost - finally!
But - on to the real post.
I liked the first part where they went over some of the characters. I liked that they showed The Kiss from the first season. I found it quite interesting their character study on all the survivors.
But then we got to the real show. Loved it!! Finally some questions answered about some of the Others. I found Juliets back story very good and very poignant. She is a much more complicated person than I thought she was. And she was just doing what she had to do to get free.
And I think the question was settled that these Others are really evil - as if we really didn't know. What they were doing to the boyfriend was horrifying! And I was confused with the young girl. I kind of thought she was Gabrielles daughter, yet Juliet called her Ben's daughter.
And Jack - was he a hero last night or what??? Although I'll always bee a Sawyer girl, I sure did sigh over the sacrifice Jack made. When he told Kate to promise not to come back for him, my heart went pitty pat.
Excellent episode I thought!
'til later
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Not a slump exactly
So - tomorrow night I'm going to get down to business. I'm going to forget trying to cram in those last few 2006 books I planned to read and pick up a 2007 book I'm itching to read. Yea - that sounds like a plan!
'til later
Monday, February 05, 2007
Helping a Blogger
Racism In Publishing, How Does It Affect You?
Are you an African American author who’s been published for at least one year? If so Karen Scott wants to hear from you.
She’s conducting a survey based on the racism within the publishing industry, and whether or not it’s as prevalent as some believe. She’s looking for black or African American authors who have been published for at least one year.
She would like to know about your specific experiences within the industry thus far. She wants to know how AA authors feel about the current shelving policies, and niche marketing. She wants to know who you feel is to blame for the problems that you face. She also wants your suggestions on how things can be improved upon.
In all, there are twenty questions in the survey, and all that she asks is that people be as honest as possible. Confidentiality is assured if requested, but for the findings to yield more weight, she would request that she be granted permission to directly quote from the answers given by the authors.
She’s hoping to poll at least 100 AA authors, in an effort to ensure that a fair representation is achieved.
If enough authors agree to partcipate, (and depending on the findings) the results may well be sent to representatives within media and press. No promises that Oprah will hear about it, but all efforts will be made to get the message out.
If there are AA authors out there interested in participating in this poll, please e-mail Karen at hairylemony @ gmail. com (without the spaces) with the subject header ‘Please send me the survey'.
The deadline for the survey to be completed and returned to Karen is March 1st 2007
Are you an African American author who’s been published for at least one year? If so Karen Scott wants to hear from you.
She’s conducting a survey based on the racism within the publishing industry, and whether or not it’s as prevalent as some believe. She’s looking for black or African American authors who have been published for at least one year.
She would like to know about your specific experiences within the industry thus far. She wants to know how AA authors feel about the current shelving policies, and niche marketing. She wants to know who you feel is to blame for the problems that you face. She also wants your suggestions on how things can be improved upon.
In all, there are twenty questions in the survey, and all that she asks is that people be as honest as possible. Confidentiality is assured if requested, but for the findings to yield more weight, she would request that she be granted permission to directly quote from the answers given by the authors.
She’s hoping to poll at least 100 AA authors, in an effort to ensure that a fair representation is achieved.
If enough authors agree to partcipate, (and depending on the findings) the results may well be sent to representatives within media and press. No promises that Oprah will hear about it, but all efforts will be made to get the message out.
If there are AA authors out there interested in participating in this poll, please e-mail Karen at hairylemony @ gmail. com (without the spaces) with the subject header ‘Please send me the survey'.
The deadline for the survey to be completed and returned to Karen is March 1st 2007
It's not just Cable Guy anymore!
I've just started paying my bills online. It's a rather nifty thing to do, but when my phobia's collide, sometimes - like tonight - my world kind of explodes.
My phobia of opening bills sometimes causes *um* 'situations'. I've been getting a number of mail stuff from the cable company lately. Now that happened a couple of months ago and when Lisa came over to help me go through the mail, most of it was just junk. I figured a lot of it what I had gotten this time was junk too. In the meantime other bills had come in. I kind of let them sit and stare at me for a few days *cough - weeks - cough* and finally got around to opening them tonight. As I did this by myself, it was rather intimidating. And somewhere amongst all those cable notices was a bill I somehow missed last month. There was another one with February's payment and January. See - I thought bills came in at the end of the month but I guess not the cable bill. The second one said if I didn't pay in five days, then they would cut off my cable. Since it was dated January 20th, it's kind of surprising they hadn't done it already. And wouldn't that have been a catastrophe with Lost starting again on Wednesday night!!! So I quickly paid that one and thought I may as well pay the rest (good thought that). I paid them all and then went back to see what my balance was. It was $0. Well - of course I freaked and immediately called the 1-800 number thinking someone had gotten into my bank account and wiped me out. Wouldn't anyone think the same thing?
Well - while I was waiting for Banking Guy to come on the phone, I thought I would get out of the bank website and get back on - just to make sure I was completely disconnected. Not that it would have mattered if someone had wiped me out. But just as Banking Guy came on the phone, my account came up.
Banking Guy: Hi, this is so and so, may I help you?
Me: No, I don't think so.
Banking Guy: Was there a problem?
Me: Well, there was. I just paid a number of bills online and when I went to check the balance it was zero. I kind of freaked and called you. But now I see that there is money back in it again. So I really don't need anything.
Banking Guy: Ah, well sometimes it takes a few minutes for the transactions to download so that's why it hadn't updated that yet.
Me: *sheepishly* Yea, I kind of figured that out. I jumped the gun on calling you. Sorry about that.
Banking Guy: *laughing* No problem. I can get into your account if you want.
Me: *thinking a moment* No, I don't think you need to do that. I finished paying the bills so I don't really need anything now. Sorry again to have bothered you.
Banking Guy: It wasn't a problem m'am. Just call whenever you have a problem. And have a good evening.
Me: Yes, you too.
And now I'm going to have to deal with Cable Guy because in another cable notice I just happened to open, as of May 1st, my phone will no longer be working because it's an analogue or something - whatever the heck that means. I just happened to be talking to someone at work today and she got a whole new phone for free when she received the same kind of notice. My fear of cell phones is another phobia I'm going to have to deal with I think. I still haven't managed to figure out how to work one thats over 5 years old and pretty basic. How the hell am I going to manage a new one with all the bells and whistles they come with today?
I wonder if they have classes for that kind of thing?
*another sigh*
'til later
A Bit of News
In other news - I was contacted a while ago to see if I would be interested in becoming a guest reader blogger at Access Romance. It's only once a month so I thought "why not?". Now I have to hope I don't get writers block!
There are four of us so far. The group includes Robin (whom I think most everyone knows although she doesn't have a blog - but she did write that awesome review of Meljean's book Demon Angel at SB's - who by the way I noticed changed their banner. I don't know if it's permanent or just celebrating Candy's birthday - but it has their favourite topic) JMC (who I think many of us know through her blog) Tara Gelsomino who goes up first and myself.
Well, that all I have for now. Time to get ready for work and then brave those fridgid temperatures!! And we were worried about not getting winter. Ha!!!
'til later
Friday, February 02, 2007
There are weeks and then there are weeks
I had a feeling it wouldn't be the best one going when I was getting ready for bed last Sunday night and noticed I'd puffed up like a balloon from my knees down. Looking at my severly bloated feet and legs, I got pretty concerned and called Lisa. She said I should call Ryan and head for the ER. So I did and got there around 11:30. I tell you ER is no place to go if you are sick. A doctor finally showed up around 3:30, took a look at my legs and said he was stumped. Now that's something you really don't want to hear a doctor say. To make a long story short, they gave me a prescription for water pills and said they would make an appointment for me to see a determatolgoist. The water pills seem to be working though. The puffiness has pretty much disappeared and well - let's just say the water pills worked. I got home around 4:30 am. And because I'm such a good little worker bee, I was up by 7:15 a few short hours later and off to work. Then I had a kitchen guy coming over Monday night to see what he thought about the kitchen. It seems that he will do the work, but he doesn't do the designing and since I don't really now what I want in the kitchen - I didn't get any ideas. He is going to arrange to have a kitchen designer he works with come to the house though.
Then Tuesday night I had someone coming over from Hospice right after work. We had a nice visit.
Then Wednesday I had my first group bereavement meeting. It was....different.
Then when I got to work Thursday and headed for my temporary desk in the IT department, someone else had made themselves there. I asked where I was supposed to sit now. They moved me next to this woman in a tiny workstation only big enough for one person. Then they couldn't seem to get my new computer working. It was 11:00 and I still hadn't done a lick of work! They finally got things going OK but it was very frustrating. I was carrying pens and things to the new place in my shoes because I don't have any basic office stuff. Then I had my creative writing course right after work.
By the time I got to work today I was pretty tired.
And this woman they have me sitting with. She is nice but she is ODD!!! She has been there since before Christmas and I have yet to see her take a break or a lunch. She doesn't even eat at her desk. I think she must be part machine or something. And we sit so close together, I couldn't do anything but work!! No slipping in to check emails. No clandestine blog hopping. Nothing. A few times I glanced over at her and she's staring at my computer screen. Do you have any idea how that drives one bonkers being under constant surveilance? And we have totally different work habits !!! I think she must have ADD or something because she was CONSTANTLY moving. Or talking to herself - rather loudly. I didn't know if she was talking to herself or to me. And is she wasn't talking, she was singing. Or humming. Or just making strange noises with her tongue. Being in such close quarters, she was beginning to drive me bonkers! I just work at a steady pace and once in a while mutter to myself under my breath but not this woman. And who doesn't take a lunch or a break for pete's sake. I finally had to get out and go outside for about 20 minutes just to get away from her - since she wasn't going anywhere. And everytime I left my desk, she put the arms on my chair down. I thought something was the matter with the chair because I mentioned to her that the arms kept going down and she said oh - she moved them that way. Why???? But then - thank goodness! - they told me in the afternoon I would be moving to another department on Monday. If I had to work next to this woman all the time I'd go nuts!! I can work alongside just about anyone - but I met my match with her I tell you.
Anyway - I know it's only Friday, but I'm saying for me this is the end of the week!
'til later.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Superbowl stuff

Ron was a real Bears fan. And it made life so much easier if I outwardly cheered for the same teams he did. Inside I kind of liked the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (because of their name - but I didn't tell either him of the boys. That's such a girl reason to like a team).
So I've really been watching how they (the Bears - not the Buccaneers - they were pretty bad) did this year. And I can imagine how pleased Ron would have been that they made it to the Superbowl. The first playoff game they played was a bit emotional to watch, but I really enjoyed it. And I liked the second one too. So I'm planning on watching the Superbowl (and being pissed off as hell that we don't get all the commercials here - damn Global anyway!)
But it's just not the same watching the game by myself. So when Brent was over the other day I asked him what he was doing for Superbowl Sunday and he said he was planning on having some friends over. I asked him if I could come too. Imagine my astonishment when he looked at me rather oddly and said "Ah, no." I don't know why he wouldn't want to hang with his mamma for the game.
Ryan was over later, after Brent left and I asked him what he was doing - if he was going to watch it. He said he was going to a friends house. I asked him if I could go with him. Again, I was astonished when he gave me a strange look and said "Ah, no." And again, I don't know why he wouldn't want to bring his mother with him to watch the Superbowl game with his buddies. I know football. I wouldn't ask foolish questions. I'm fun. I drink beer. And to think - I let him come over on Sunday all season and watch it at the house because he didn't get cable.
I was telling some of the people at work the other day. They all thought it was funny. One girl said she would try and find a party for me to go to, but I think she was pulling my leg. Although it would be fun to ask her tomorrow in a most seriousness way if she found one for me.
'til later