Sunday, July 20, 2014

Decisions, Decisions

Gack!!!!!  I have 8 books I just added to both my Kindle and my Kobo and I want to read them ALL!!  Right now.  Which to choose?  How to do it?

However , that choice is taken away as my iPad is only charged 40% and the flowers in my gardens little voices are being choked out by weeds.  Therefore this difficult decision will have to wait.

In other news, I've been doing a lot of reviews at GoodReads because I COULD get into them.  And with that handy feature I saw and longed to use, looks like I can copy and paste them into Ramblings.  So hold onto your hats.

And looking around, it seems I have a lot of updating to do here.  I still can't get the Internet working on my desktop, my laptop is pretty much toast and it will take much figuring to copy and paste stuff on the iPad, but hopefully, look for me to get into the 2014's.  Until then, it will kill me, but I'm pictureless

Well, time to pull those weeds out by their roots now that the rain has stopped.

'til later.


azteclady said...

I'm sure we'll be happy without pictures so long as we have your thoughts and company.

It's storming here at the moment, so I'm about to curl in bed with my phone and Carla Kelly's The Lady's Companion, which is just as wonderful as Willaful promised. I've cried and sighed and smiled since I started it.

Kristie (J) said...

Don't you love when a book brings out those kinds of emotions? Sounds like a wonderful, cozy time you are having. And I can put in pics when I stay a bit later at work *wink*

azteclady said...

When there's a will... ;-)