Saturday, July 30, 2005

This is insantity - Thank goodness I'm not alone

My most recent purchases:

Yesterday at the UBS:
Sweet Annie by Cheryl St. John (harlequin historical)
Bethany's' Song by Susan Plunkett (time travel)
(And quite a few for the book trading group)

Today at Walmart:
Her Last Defense by Vickie Taylor (harlequin IM - cause I loved Carved in Stone)
Take No Prisoners by Gayle Wilson (harelquin Intrigue)

Today at Chapters:
Dangerous Passions by Lynn Kerstan (historical - a hidden treasure author for me)
A Taste of Crimson by Marjorie M Liu (paranormal - I loved her debut book)
A Season to be Sinful by Jo Goodman (historical - YES! she is one of my favourite authors)

And as if that weren't enough I stopped at Future Shop to inquire about buying something for downloading ebooks and the salesman was talking way over my head and I because I felt stupid, I had to console myself by buying the DVD For the Love of the Game - one of my favourite movies)

If anyone can help me with the little hand held computer things for downloading ebooks (now you can see why I was over my head) I would be ever so grateful. I'm ready to enter that world.


Anonymous said...

kristie, LLB posted a while back about her search for one of those "little hand held computer things for downloading ebooks"

Or you could get a PDA. That's what I have even though I dont use it for anything other than reading ebooks.

Kristie (J) said...

I was at Future shoop (electronic store) and I knew I was in trouble when I tried asking about them. The guy said I could get them in Chapters (book store). I said "no! it's electronic and you read ebooks on it" He still didn't know what I was talking about so he asked someone else. He didn't know either. Finally a third guy at least knew what I was talking about but he didn't know anything about using it for books. He started talking airwaves and satelite waves and I don't know what else. That was when I knew it was a wasted trip so I picked up the movie instead :)

sybil said...

oh loved A Season to be Sinful!

Angela James said...

Sarah McCarty is an avid fan of her ebookwise and has convinced at least 10 people that I know of to buy them. I can give you her email address if you want to ask her questions about them. Everyone who's bought it seems to love it and it's reasonably priced at around $100 or so, I think.

I have an Ipaq, which is like a small computer, which I love but is really pricy if all you're doing is reading books on it.

Kristie (J) said...

Angie: Thanks for the tip. That's all I want it for so I don't really want the more complicated Ipaq - more for me to screw up:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristie,

Don't know too much about these blogs :) So, in case I am posting this in the wrong will forgive me? :) Just wanted to say that the cover for BANNER'S BONUS looks super added to your list.

Carole Ann Lee

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »